The 7 books that every lawyer should read

The July fairs are coming and legal professionals have a break to rest from the hustle and bustle of their legal studies, nothing better than giving in to the pleasure of reading! That’s why we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to suggest 7 books that every lawyer should read.

A good book can be an opportunity to slow down the daily rhythm and at the same time acquire new skills, reflect on the paths that the world of Law is taking or, why not, delight ourselves with a work of fiction.

1 . Metaverse, Web3 and Gaming – Juan G. Corvalán

The Metaverse can be understood in a broad sense and a restricted one. The first is based on assigning that word to enriched experiences through avatars that strengthen perception, interaction, and immersion. In a restricted sense, the Metaverse does not yet exist as such, since it requires the convergence of multiple very sophisticated technologies that must interact to create an experience so rich that it amplifies (or, at least, equals) what we perceive in the world. real.

Among the topics developed, we can find the following: Instructions to enter the metaverse; Metaverse. Conceptual approach. Virtual worlds 4.0; The metaverse and justice in virtual key; Intellectual property. Protection of personal data in the metaverse; Crimes and metaverse; Contracts and metaverse: considerations and challenges.

2 . The Lawyer of Tomorrow – Richard Susskind

Richard Susskind is an authority in legal practice and in this book full of insight and insights he leads us to generate a reflection on how the universe of Law is being transformed thanks to digital technologies.

The lawyer of tomorrow  is organized around three concepts that determine this new moment in the history of Law:

  1. how legal practice has changed;
  2. how to read this new paradigm;
  3. What are the perspectives of new lawyers?

Startups, cryptocurrencies, provision of online services, artificial intelligence, virtual lawsuits, and online courts, among many other new developments.

Do not think that this book is only for young people, the speed of digital changes and the simplicity of the processes make it accessible to all generations of lawyers.

If you want to stay up to date, this is an excellent book that every lawyer should read.

3 . Electronic contracts – Gastón Bielli and Carlos Ordoñez

This work comes at a crucial moment, after having gone through a pandemic that accelerated the digitalization of our lives and obligations in general, generating new problems in the field of electronic contracts. The current massification of electronic contracts and the conflicts that revolve around them have turned this work into an irreplaceable and fundamental tool for legal professionals and scholars. Content of the work
This new edition updated the contents to adapt them to this new context, with a new and profound approach. The chapters on Blockchain and smart contracts were updated according to the latest trends and technological developments to offer a better understanding of their impact in the legal field, knowing that they are destined to take over the contractual scene in the blockchain. Also regarding the problem of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. ​

4 . To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee

The poetry of this title is undoubtedly a great invitation to read it. This 1960 novel is, unfortunately, very current and shows us how far we still have to go to consider ourselves a healthy and civilized society.

Considered a classic and with a Pulitzer under its belt, the story has as its central theme a case in which an African-American man is unjustly accused of raping a girl.

To Kill a Mockingbird, in addition to giving a lawyer a lot of technical reflection, will also take him through the sensitive world of social prejudices, unfortunately very present today.

If, in addition to studying, you want to get excited and enjoy literature, this book is the best option.

5 . Human digital profiles – Juan Corvalán

Human Digital Profiles is a pioneering book in the Spanish language on the automated management of personal data. In it, you will find tools for the study and understanding of the use of artificial intelligence in the processing of personal data and the problems that arise in the current scenario that fails to protect data owners.

One of the points addressed is the non-compliance that the websites and platforms of the main social networks often incur. Cases that have scandalized the world and that are studied in light of the current situation of lack of data protection and are contrasted with the regulations of Latin America, the European Union, and the Council of Europe

A topic that is hotter than ever and that no lawyer can be unaware of.

6. The tree of knowledge – Humberto Maturana

Humberto Maturana was a biologist who revolutionized the field of thought with his theories about knowledge and, mainly, about something fundamental for any lawyer: understanding human thought. The tree of knowledge has an axis based on biology that crosses philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, anthropology, and pedagogy, among other human sciences.

According to the author, “Democracy is a work of art, which needs an ethical commitment based on the world in which one wants to live and has to be expressed in terms of the desire for coexistence that serves as a reference to correct the errors of life.” every day”.

If you are looking for a book that, in addition to technical issues, leads you to reflect on the importance of how our thinking is generated in society, this book is for you.

7. Advocate, Lead, Stop – Juan Manuel Haddad

Advocate, Lead, Shortcut is one of those great books that has the author’s experience in a large telecommunications company, at the forefront of the digital transformation process, with all the challenges of such a situation.

The idea is based on interviews with important international leaders, both in football and legal management, creating a parallel between what the goalkeepers experienced in 1992 — when a new rule began to apply that prevented grabbing the ball with the hand before the pass of a colleague -, and the transformation that lawyers go through.

The author invites us to reflect:  in the same way that a goalkeeper had to reformulate his way of playing — alone and about his team — legal professionals are also at a time when their ability to learn and acquire new skills It’s the difference between winning or losing a game.

Advocate, Lead, Shortcut is a fun read full of insights that invites us to accept the transformation of our habits to reach a type of contemporary legal practice that provides us with a more just society.

We have reached the end of our list with the 7 books that every lawyer should read. We hope that reading is useful to you and if you want to read more about Law, our latest recommendation is  Impacts and Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Law and Judicial Law, a new ebook created in conjunction with the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Córdoba, for which national and international authors were summoned to express their vision on the link between technology and legal science.

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